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Airbus A319-100 Diecast aviation search with Diecast Aero DataBase AeroSpirit

Your search for keyword " Airbus A319-100 " returned 0 categories and 27 diecast models.

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Airbus A319-115LR Air France 1990 Dedicate F-GRXN
"1990s" Colors. With "SkyTeam" & "Dedicate" Logos.
GeminiJets : GJAFR848 | 1:400 scale | 1500 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Airbus A319-111 Air France 1990 F-GRHD
"1990s" Colors. With "SkyTeam" Logo. With "1000th Airbus A320" Logo.
AeroClassics : ACFGRHD | 1:400 scale | 380 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Airbus A319-112 Swissair 1990 HB-IPV
"1990s" Colors. Named "Rumlang".
GeminiJets : GJSWR235 | 1:400 scale | 2500 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Airbus A319-112 Swissair 1995 HB-IPY
"1995s" Colors. Named "Hori".
Dragon Wings : 55319 | 1:400 scale | 800 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Airbus A319-111 TAP Air Portugal 2004 CS-TTA
"2004s" Colors. With "Star Alliance" Logo.
Dragon Wings : 55861A | 1:400 scale | 1000 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Airbus A319-111 TAP Air Portugal 2004 CS-TTJ
"Portugal - 2004" Colors. With "Star Alliance" Logo.
Dragon Wings : 55861 | 1:400 scale | 1000 pieces Worldwide | read more...

JC Wings : JC4RBA152 | 1:400 scale | 320 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Dragon Wings : 55793 | 1:400 scale | 1000 pieces Worldwide | read more...

GeminiJets : GJTAI149 | 1:400 scale | 2000 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Airbus A319-132 US Airways Arizona Cardinals N837AW
"Arizona Cardinals" Colors. With "Star Alliance" Logo.
GeminiJets : GJUSA890 | 1:400 scale | 1500 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Green Box : GBDAVWF | 1:400 scale | 320 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Green Box : GBGEZEJ | 1:400 scale | 320 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Airbus A319-111 EasyJet 2000 HB-JZA
"2000s" Colors. EasyJet Switzerland.
Green Box : GBHBJZA | 1:400 scale | 320 pieces Worldwide | read more...

AeroClassics : ACB6400 | 1:400 scale | 320 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Phoenix Models : PH4AHY213 | 1:400 scale | 600 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Airbus A319-112 Mexicana 2006 N750MX
"2006s" Colors. With "85th Anniversary" Logos.
GeminiJets : GJMXA800 | 1:400 scale | 1500 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Pages: 1 2 [Suivante >]

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Boeing B 777-220LRF Boeing Aircraft Company 2004 Livery
"2004s - Dreamliner - House" Colors.
Dragon Wings : 55865 | 1:400 scale | 1000 pieces Worldwide | read more...
Airlines > Manufacturer Livery > Boeing Livery
Aircrafts > Boeing Company > Boeing 777 > Boeing 777-200
Manufacturers > Dragon Wings

Boeing B 747-409 China Airlines B-18206
"SKYTEAM" Colors.
Phoenix Models : PH10575 | 1:400 scale | 600 pieces Worldwide | read more...
Airlines > China > CAL China Airlines
Aircrafts > Boeing Company > Boeing 747 > Boeing 747–400
Manufacturers > Phoenix Models

Lockheed L-100-30 Hercules Air China 1990 B-3004
"1990s" Colors.
JC Wings : JC4CCA024 | 1:400 scale | 390 pieces Worldwide | read more...
Airlines > China > Air China
Aircrafts > Lockheed Corporation > Lockheed C-130 Hercules
Manufacturers > JC Wings

Boeing B 737-204A Britannia Airways 1970 G-BFVA
"1970s" Colors.
Aviation 400 : AV4732017 | 1:400 scale | 750 pieces Worldwide | read more...
Airlines > United Kingdom > Britannia Airways
Aircrafts > Boeing Company > Boeing 737 > Boeing 737-200
Manufacturers > Aviation 400